Soleil had a very good weekend at the Terrier Club AKC trial. She is maturing so much and handling the excitement and pressure of a two ring trial much better. She was quite focused and her course times are improving as I'm setting lines for her instead of cueing one obstacle at a time.
3rd place in Ex. B Jumpers
NQ in Standard (refusal)
3rd place in Ex. B Jumpers
1st place in Ex. A Standard (woohoo! a baby QQ)!
NQ in Ex. B Jumpers (bar)
1st place in Ex. A Standard (one more leg for her title)
I'm still learning how to handle her around a course and what combination of cues is best. Unlike Summit, the more I run with her and get in her space, the more excited she gets and the tighter she turns. A good example is Friday's Jumpers. I needed to move farther into the pinwheel so that I could show more deceleration and then motion driving out to cue a tighter turn.
Saturday Standard (I don't have video of Saturday Jumpers). Naughty girl sat up from her down on the table ;-)
Sunday Standard (Jen missed the first part of the run which was a 180 into the weaves).
Summit had some nice runs this weekend (he was 50 percent as he dropped a bar in one class each day so no QQ's). He is already qualified for AKC nationals 2013 so my focus has been on Soleil in AKC.
Agility Challenge Tip #20 – Practice Alone
9 months ago